Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I am commenting on the Texas Blogbonnet blog, which talks about the upcoming weekend of halloween and the drinking that will be involved in downtown Austin.The Austin Police Department has a new program that involves drawing blood from any drivers suspected of being intoxicated.Drivers will be asked to take the regular breathalyzer test, how ever if they refuse to do so, they will be forced to have blood drawn from them on the spot.I believe this is a great idea the Police Department came up with, because drunk drivers put them selves and every driver out there in danger. Im sure alot of people are not overwhelmed with the fact of getting a needle in them if they have only had a few beers, but like she said, the breathalyzer will be used first, so if you dont have nothing to hide, you should not worry about getting poked. i think she did a great job of putting the post together, it explains very detailed what the APD plans on doing, and what she thinks of these plans. i also agree with her with the idea of enforcing this program past halloween, i think it will highly reduce the drinking and driving and the accidents cause by drunk drivers.

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