Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Corporate influence in Texas Elections?? EXpect it!!

In 2002 a state law banned corporations and unions from spending money on election campaigns for a century, but now courts tell us that they can spend as much money as they wat on advertising, as long as they dont take favor on a particular candidate. Corporations are not going to report their spending to the Texas Ethics Commission, or even inform us of who is paying for all the advertising. Earlier this week The Texas Association of Business was fined and Bill Hammond president of The Association pleaded guilty against the misdemeanor charge. They were fined 10,000 dollars, which doesnt not compare at all to the 1.7 million hammond and his partners raised last year from 30 corporations, which helped 24 house candidates. In 1905 the Texas legislature irst banned corporate campaign contributions. Later the courts in the Texas association of Business gaave corporations the right to spend money on campaigns. i think corporations should be allowed to spend monay on campaigns, as long as they dont completely back up jus one campaign and focus all their attention on it, because it would not make it a fair race.

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