Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Texan Teachers Deserve Better Pay!!

The Austin American Statesman stated on September 27th, that more than 4 million sudents returned to attend classes a few weeks ago, at public schools. According to Eddie Rodriguez, the State Rep, our public schools teachers are the lowest paid in the nation and should be given a significant raise. The article stated that During 2006-2007 Texas paid 6,000 dollars less than the naional average of about 50,000. Last year Democras fought for an 800 dollar raise, that was given to teacher, but after being reviewed by the Republicans, it was cut in half to 425. Scjools were also given the opportunity to raise property taxes by 4%, which pay for school to run.I totally agree with the author, i think this is very important for us Texans, because we are loosing very good teachers and missing out on a great education because teachers are just not geting paid what they deserve. If it was not for Public school teachers, most of todays great doctors,bussiness man, etc, would of never made it anywhere, without education and with out those hard working teachers. Look more into it HEre!!!946063080&UrAuth=aNaNUOcNUUbTTUWUXUaUZTYU]UWU^U^UZUcU^UcTYWYWZV&urcm=y

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