Monday, October 20, 2008

Time For Change in Texas Supreme Court

In this editorial from the Austin American Statesman, the author talks about what is going on in the Texas Supreme Court. Three of the nine seats in the Texas Supreme Court are up for electin this year and all three of the seats are expected to be filled by a Republicans even thoug they are facing great Democratic challengers. The chief justice spots are the ones up for election this year, while some of them have been caught in embarrasing acts, like using politiacl money for their own expenses, this year is goin to end for them says the article. Going against Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson, is the Democrat out of Dallas county, Jim Jordan, Jordan believes Jefferson has a failure of leadership.Some people on the other hand think that Jefferson has done a good job, but like everything, there are always two sides to the conflict. All three Democrats believe that is time for a change becuase all Republicans in office think alike and make the same decisions. I agree with the author, maybe it is time for a change in Supreme Court and maybe if they win, this would be big win and change for the Democrats. Check out the argument at

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